Wednesday, July 21

WWW stands for world wide web.

Well what can I tell you about Calaway park? It's far away and TomTom was no help in finding it!
To all who don't know, TomTom is the family's GPS. Yes indeed, the GPS is called TomTom.

When we finally arrived at Calaway Park we parked in section "G". This may all seem irrelevant to you but I assure you it is relevant.

To save you all from a super long and detailed analysis (this is no essay) of my day I will sum it up with the most important things I learnt today about myself and things in general.

1. I learnt that rollarcoasters make me get emotional. VERY emotional. Calaway park has a mini rollarcoaster and the ride itself doesn't even last for 1 minute which is why you have two runs on it. Today was the first time in my entire life that I had ever gone on a rollarcoaster. Apparently it showed. I am extremely acrophobic, for those who don't know what that means. It's an extreme fear of heights. I promised my younger brother I would go on the rollarcoaster, so I wasn't going to back down. I also wanted to try and face this fear. I'd never been on a rollarcoaster before so I wanted to experience it for the first time. As the ride started my nerves began to control my body. As the ride started going up ready for the drop, I have absolutely no idea why but I began to cry. Yes, I'm 15 years old and I cried. My brain told my body I was going to die, it was so scary I hated it. I hated the drop, I hated sceaming, I hated how my head bobbled around like a bobble head and I especially hated how my younger brother laughed at me the WHOLE time. Talk about supportive. Well that experience was a great one. Though I am terribly afraid of heights, fear is a great thrill ride. I am in no means an adrenaline junkie, and I don't think I will tackle the massive rollarcoasters in the world. But if my family goes to Canada's Wonderland, I think I will tackle at least on rollarcoaster there. Oh I went on the rollarcoaster again later in the day, I was still very nervous but I did NOT cry. I lost my voice screaming. Again my brother was laughing at me. Ah family.

2. It's better to spend money on frozen lemonade than a Sno cone. Great advice from my mother. Today I tried something I have never tried before, SOFT FROZEN LEMONADE. Funny how I go from talking about rollarcoasters to food, I work this way. Well the frozen lemonade (FL)  was a tad bit sour and I thought that I wouldn't like it. But it is an excellent frozen treat. I don't know how much I'd like strawberry, and everybody loves lemonade on a cold day. A Sno Cone is a total rip off. It's ice full of flavoring. I don't trust the people handling the ice. Packaging in the Frozen Lemonade is much better. Mama always knew best. Listen to your moms!

3. Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice haha I caught you're the fool now. The haunted house at Calaway Park sucks, so teenagers hide inside scaring the other kids. The last time I went to Calaway I went with 2 friends we hid and scared kids. This time when I was walking with my brother these 2 boys were trying REALLY hard to scare us. The one boy kept pushing me and screaming, like I didn't know you were there. The other boy was hiding in the exact spot that my friends and I hid last time. Before he even has a chance to jump out and "scare me" I pointed directly at him and said "I see you". He sighed and walked away. My brother burst out laughing. So there you go. The lesson here is, you can never fool the grandmaster. Yes, this is inspired by the original karate kid. LOVE LOVE LOVE that movie. Classics never die.

4. If you plan on getting wet and you're leaving right after. Make sure you have a change of clothes and hope that you parked closer! The last ride that my brother and I went on was bumper boats. It was a mans birthday and all his friends were getting him wet. My boat drove so slowly and I was caught in the middle of this massive water fight. I was soaked like my shorts were wet, my shirt was wet and my hair ALL were soaked. Not to mention my glasses, you know you're wet when, your lenses are wet. We were walking to the car and it was so uncomfortable, we had to walk all the way down to section "G". We had a change of clothes (yay for listening to my mom) but next time we go to Calaway Park, I suggest that we park closer! As my head was spinning and it was uncomfortable to walk in wet clothes.

All in all, I had a great time today. I went on numerous rides, GOT SOAKED in water, became extremely dizzy to the point of vomiting, cried on a rollarcoaster, told a kid I SEE YOU haha. Today was so fun. It was great to see my mom and my brother had a great time too. The only bad parts are that I got an extremely bad burn on my shoulders that will leave a bad tan, I also lost my voice, but I seem to be the only one complaining. My family is enjoying the peace and quiet.

Calaway Park is family fun - it certainly lives up to its name.

Calaway Park for everyone. Yes, that is from the commercial. =D

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