Tuesday, September 7

Sick in the beginning of school? NOT A GOOD COMBO.

How on Earth did I get sick. This is horrible, it's the beginning of school and I get sick. I have the worst of luck. I have a horrible math teacher, she gives a lot of homework, it's a good thing I understand all the math, she's not very good at teaching...

My chemistry teacher is amazing! I really like how enthusiastic he is! He makes learning fun, and wow do I sound like the biggest geek to hit the planet Earth.

Social class is okay... the teacher is nice, and I have a friend in that class which is nice haha.

It's getting hard to post... I mean I've been doing homework since I got home. I guess being sick is a factor, but if I don't post, then I'll have to make it up... but I have to get better first.


Monday, September 6

Sunday, September 5

The young live forever

A slice of cake, I enjoy it oh so much. I haven't had a slice in months! I feel like a child, but there's nothing wrong with that.

So I finally got around to cleaning my room! :) I feel so accomplished.

Sold my bed today, I made some money. Resume is fixed up, all I have to do is hand it in. I really need to get this job.. because I have nothing better to do and it never hurts to make extra cash.

I don't think I'll be going on the band trip to England. It's about $3300 for 11 days, my family is going to europe for the whole summer and it will cost much less. I'll also have much more to do and more vacationing.

I actually thought this over for quite some time. Here's what I came up with.

Why I should not go to England
  • It's very expensive to go for just 11 days
  • Family trip to europe would mean I would have more vacationing time and more tourist-y things to do.
  • I have an aunt and an uncle who live in England, I couldn't go visit them whenever and stay as long as I want, it would also cost me less.
  • The money I save by not going can be put to good use, like buying a new camera as my current one sucks.
  • I will be very tired

Why I should go

  • A band trip with friends could be a lot of fun
  • We get to see a musical
  • The things we do with band, is arranged and cannot be done on your own

So there we go, though I really want to go to England, not going won't kill me. In fact, it will work towards my benefit... I hope.. I don't know!

Not going to England isn't the end of the world, I've been there before, and I can always go again!

I have a new blog theme coming soon, for those who read my blog, be prepared... it's much better!


Saturday, September 4

Teenage dream, win win win.

Teenage dream, win win win.

Friday, September 3

Oh the agony

So there are nearly 700 grade 10s in my school. Every class is at maximum capacity. My math class has 40+ kids, so does my social class. In my chem 20 AP class, I'm the only grade 10. In music I have 75+ kids as all the grades come together.

Today was the first "official" day of school. It was okay, I was late for social. This couple were making out int he hallway and I couldn't pass until they were done... urgh.

I only know 1 kid in my social class, which is good, but the majority of the class are rude people, at least those were my first impressions. School is draining my life, I enjoy it, but I really need to manage my time and go to bed earlier.

I need to clean my room... and finish my math homework. Yes we did get homework, but really it's easy.

So the zorbing tickets aren't coming, it's making me really mad. The deadline is sunday, so if they magically appear tomorrow, yea right.


Thursday, September 2

Sleep at school

How was the first day of school? Exhausting. My knee, is horrible, and the elevator is my saviour. Here's how the day went down.

I wake up at 6:30, I don't remember the exact time I left the house. I arrive at school at 7:28. I walk into the school, where is student council meeting? I have no idea. This blonde girl, in PVA danced talked to me, she didnt know where to go either, so we walked down a hallway, oops we were wrong. Blah blah, then we walk back to the foyer and a teacher tells us where to go! The gym.

I go to the gym, blah blah, I didn't help really, I was too tired. I met up with a girl and we sat on the bleachers and just talked. Then it was time for the grade 10s to come so we all set up a welcome line and cheered when they walked in.

I go to my homeroom using the elevator, and wow there aren't many people there. I meet a girl, she's my locker buddy, she's popular, how's this going to work out? She seems pretty nice, but I don't trust people with my stuff.

I finished the scavanger hunt, found Michelle, then she drove me home. Yay.

So I pretty much wrote this vaguely. I slep as soon as I got home, I am exhausted, I wonder if blogging everyday will be possible with how busy I will become. I will try my best but if I can't make do it, I'll have to make it up with some killer posts.

I doubt my zorbing tickets are coming, I'm pissed, I was excited then my excitement was crushed.


Wednesday, September 1

ipads and elevator keys

I thought a TV was a touchscreen so I was pressing it like a fool, then a worker asked me if he could help, I scratched my head my brother laughed as did he. The TV was not a touchscreen, it was on a slide show, how stupid.

My phone is acting up, I have to call Fido tomorrow.

I got my school picture today, it turned out okay... the best part of the day, I got my elevator key! The school isn't bad at all. I'm the cool kid who everyone wants to sneak on the elevator with, too bad I won't let them.

Ipad blog views? Yes, I did.

Listen to this. It is stuck in my head, like a permanent tattoo.
