Sunday, March 27

The Blog Project

It's that time of year again. I may be Spring but there is a ton of snow outside my window so I don't think the "spring" effect has really hit the city. It's spring break but I will not have any time to relax. I've been given a mountain load of homework (Biology, physics and English). It's nice to know that my teachers enjoy giving heavy assignments over the break. I can hear their maniacal laughter bellowing through the silence of what was to be a peaceful spring break, I can't escape school. It saddens me.

I beat my highest level on zombies! Yes I am EXTREMELY nerdy but really this is a big accomplishment for me as I suck at COD. This may be such an awfully nerdy thing to say but I was on youtube looking at some strategies because I suck and I want to get better (my brother calls me a noob and so does everyone online.. it does get a tad annoying). While on youtube I cam across this video.


It is absolutely perfect, the essence of darkness that looms in the video. The power given to a human and the power for greed will result in an unfortunate ending. There is great moral in this video, it's also very witty and very imaginative. I soon began clicking on more videos on that youtube channel and I fell in love with almost everyone of them. They tackle the deep stuff in the human life - the provocative, the unimaginable and the simplist of things yet the meaning behind all the videos is so deep that many people can relate to them.

Some of my favorites include:


It shows the coming life and then the cycle of it. I found this video to be so funny. I laughed at the ending! I always find the oddest things funny.


Having never had any near death experiences I wonder if my life will flash before me. This video explains that very mystery. Maybe it's different for everyone. I liked the way the narrator spoke, the way the script was written; it was intellectually witty. I also thoroughly enjoyed the animation. I love this kind of art.

Only someone who had felt like this, could understand and relate with this video. I can't, but I loved how they got the message across.

You can watch the rest of the videos here on Future Short's channel. I love this channel. I simply adore it.

Hopefully this post is more amusing than my previous ones. I'm trying to make it more interesting but finding interesting things, and might I add that I have found many interesting things that I'm sure you'd like. Those will come in future posts.

Stay tuned.

Saturday, March 5

I'd bust a move but I'd break a hip.

It's quite hard to dance when you're so exhausted!! I've never been so busy than I was these last couple of weeks. Swimming is exhausting, badminton is exhausting, biology is stupid, physics is death and English is annoying. I'm not being pessimistic this is my point of view from a lack of sleep. Music class is getting annoying too. School is just annoying can't summer come already? Baah. In physics we did a project where we calculated things according to yellow lights, it was really stupid. I blame the ministry of transportation. Baaaah.

Yes, I did use a cat to animate how boring days are lately.. I'm too busy to go out for free time. It's a weird feeling being so busy. My friends plan days to hang out weeks in advanced because of my crazy schedule! Oh how things change in a year. Last year I had so much free time it was crazy and now this year I have none it's unhealthy. I really need to take up playing the cello again! I haven't been playing in oh so long I'm becoming so rusty..

I'm so slack in the morning, I don't really care, I usually end up going to school looking dead. If I have swimming or badminton in the morning and it's just a scramble to make it to class on time I look like this:

At least her skin is nice.

My LUSH is pissing me off.. my products aren't working for me. Well the toner is great I don't like my scrub though.. I'll need to buy a new one soon..

I hate how my hair is after swimming. No matter how long you wash your hair for you still smell like chlorine and if you don't have time afterwards to blow dry your hair it drys really weirdly. Or at least my hair does. I usually put it up in a messy bun... a lot of emphasis on messy.

Though I don't think her hair smells like chlorine.
Also she does have a killer shoulder.

I am a culprit of bad blog postings.. I know I say this in every post but I am really awful for doing this. Also my posts are boring and it sounds like all I do is complain. I'm starting a project, hopefully this will be a success. I'm going to be making my blog posts a lot more interesting. I'll try posting at least twice a week, that's more sufficient than once a month. Hopefully with this upcoming project my blog won't be so boring and maybe I'll actually get some readers. I'll be experimenting with a lot of new things! The best is yet to come! Stay tuned. Also if you haven't already check out my other blog.