Friday, January 7

The end is near

I hate this time of year. Everything is meshed together, everything is so stressful; where is the time to breathe? I have written 1 exam already, I have 3 more to go. I absolutely hate it.

My chemistry teacher is absolutely disorganized; he’s one of those people who carry on a conversation until the end of time. That doesn’t help when you need his help and you can’t get it from him because he won’t end a conversation with other people. My class is so behind. The final unit of the year he taught us in less than an hour, it was absolute chaos. Six pages filled with chemistry notes and he’s just explaining; it was so irritating. He went too fast for my liking. It really gets under my skin to see other people ahead of my class due to his lack of organizational skills. You’d probably be thinking I would be free from his grasp next year but no, sadly my plans have been thwarted and I must be in his 30AP class and his 35AP class. Oh the joy. Woop. Di. Doo. I don’t even like chemistry, so he needs to stop trying to make me like something I have absolutely no interest in. My grade is perfectly fine, I understand it all, the problem is the class is so disgustingly boring, it drains me of my energy and leaves me in a sour mood. I only have 2 more classes left and I am done.

If a cat hates water can you imagine the hate I have for my social studies class? It’s absolutely stupid and leaves me down right irritated. I don’t care about globalization, I really don’t. Social studies’ is absolutely boring. My teacher is another tale. She is so horrible to even stand. I hate her teaching style it’s unbearable. She is an insanely hard marker. Since when is an 85 a B+? I’ve never heard of a grading system that way. I find the teacher rude and annoying. She also gives such a heavy load of homework. She tells us yesterday that she’ll grade the assignment out of 30 marks; I had a lot of homework last night. I finished everything but I didn’t get to bed until 1:30 am. My teacher goes around and does homework check out of 4 marks. Yes 4 marks. My blood was boiling. I wasted a full night for a stupid class. Really I am done with social studies, it is absolutely stupid and not worth it. I had a teacher who made learning fun but when I go to social it’s like death. I can’t do a thing without getting in trouble, she’s very strict. It’s a good thing that she allows us to sit where we’d like when it comes time to “work” I can sit with my friends and chat. My best friend is in my class and like me, he absolutely dreads social studies class. I can’t fully complain about the class because I made a friend who absolutely cheers me up. We laugh all the time, she is so funny. She and my best friend really make class more enjoyable. My bestfriend also makes the class quite funny. His humour cannot be matched by any other.

Math is too easy. I love the teacher, she explains things so well! The only reason people don’t like her is because they don’t pay attention in her class and blame their failure on her. How lame is that? Losers ☺. Also I am not too keen on the people in my class. Sure there are some nice people but like there are quite a few... ahem bad apples. Haha, did you enjoy my lame joke? Probably not, it did kind of suck.

It’s a good thing that school ends on Tuesday. I’m not looking forward to my next 3 exams but I’ll live. I hope I get the job I applied for and hopefully my NEXT semester will be much better than my first. I hope to keep getting better at my cello and my instruments and if everything goes well vacation in Turkey this summer.

Oh and this post may seem like a bunch of complaints but if you made your way to the end of it you’ll see that I am saying “Happy New Years” to you all .

That’s all.

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