Friday, August 13

The Host - Book Review

I've stated in previous posts that I am a massive bookworm. Today at 12:00 am I decided to start reading The Host as I had checked it out of the library. I had originally delayed reading the book as I was to lazy to pick it up. I borrowed it from a friend last year and I made it half way through and just gave it back to her as the book was boring me. I only checked it out as I wanted to finish the book and get it done with.

Here is my review on The Host.

This is my own personal opinion. Everybody has their own, this is mine.

I've read the Twilight saga, and I loved it. That was a phase in my life when I genuinely thought the books were amazing. The movies came out and ruined it all. They are competing with Harry Potter and they will never win. I was reading reviews on Stephenie Meyer, one person said she can't write. I can see where they are coming from, and I am agreeing for the most part, but I also disagree with it.

I disagree:
  • Her books are about love, so of course she going to target teenage girls, and young women.
  • They're easy to understand, and are written in the point of view of the main character.
(not much I disagree with)

I agree:
  • Each of her books is in the point of view of the main character. It gets annoying with the constant I's.
  • She write about love. This wouldn't be a problem if it there wasn't so much of it.
  • The books have a flat out no action. It made me really mad while reading "The Host" because when something good was about to happen, she would block it out with chapters of nothing. The book was interesting, but there were many times when I had readers block. It got boring for me.
  • Too much dialogue within one's inner self and the characters in the book. I want to read a book to distract myself from all the talking, how can I relax when there is too much dialogue. There was enough talking to drive me insane. The conversations were flat out boring except when they talked about the danger of the Seekers, but that didn't last long as she blocked it with many chapters.
I'm not trying to hate on Meyer, it's just I believe because of all the marketing the books have become much greater than they are set out to be. I love reading books, and usually when the book gets turned into a movie it ruins it for me. Vampires are in these days, I blame twilight. Remember the days when they were scary, now teenage girls are practically begging Robert Pattinson to bite them. What has the world turned to?

Back to my review on "The Host" I seemed to have strayed away from it.

I liked the idea around the book. Parasites living inside a host. These hosts are us humans. The idea of the story was great, I just felt she could've done more with it. It was really boring at times. I was hoping for a massive war between the remaining humans and these Aliens, that never happened. It's all about love. Love is sweet, but not when it is excessive. I had to read the beginning a few times as I wasn't completely understanding it. I skimmed a bit. If you are confused while reading the book, it will all make sense by the time you make it half way through the middle... if you make it that far.

Overall the book was mediocre. If you are a die-hard fan of the series and the author you will love it. I used to be like that, then I started reading books by authors who have talent. Authors who have not sold themselves short for the movies.

I feel like Meyer is trying to be like J.K. Rowling, this will never happen. I still like the Twilight Saga but I am no longer a twi-hard. I am regretting buying the books. It seems anybody can write a book these days.

4 / 5 - For the idea of parasites and hosts.

2 / 5 - For dialogue. There was too much.

3 / 5 - For story line

3 / 5 - Overall

Would I reccomend the book?
Sure why not? It gives you something to think about. The idea is a great idea.

Alright that was my first book review! Hope you liked it, or if you didn't that's okay. We each are entitled to our own opinions.

The next book which I am hoping to review for you all is "Exile" By Richard North Patterson.

This book will take me a longer time to read as it is much longer and the font is small! I'm not complaining. The book has had amazing reviews so I am hoping to enjoy the book as much as others have!

Until next time


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