Thursday, August 5

I hate sorority life

On of my closest friends, begged me to join her in sorority life as she could gain a house member. I only joined sorority life because I am a good friend. I had no idea what would become of me. The game sorority life is pointless, it's not fun. In fact every time i play the game my computer has  massive spazz and the fan goes LOUD. Urgh. I dealt with it as it became addicting and I made I was leveling up. Those stupid brownie points, stupid Rory. Stupid Stupid STUPID Rory. My friend is probably reading this laughing. Well as soon as the clock strikes midnight I am removing the application off my facebook. I'm removing all the people who added me to join my house as I have NO idea who you all are. I went through all the trouble of blocking them from seeing any part of my page. Please spare yourselves, do not join sorority life. I lost sleep over stupid Rory. I sound like a loser. Way to spend your time on a stupid game.

WELL NO MORE. My friend had to console me, she is also facepalming herself asking her why did I ever drag her into this. Way to create a monster Blessing

I'm not street but I do what I gotta doooo! I am loving Cobra Starship. I am also loving FAME. It's giving me inspiration for lookbook. I've made this whole sketchbook of outfits, all of which I don't own, but that's not the point. The point is I have established creativity through FAME.

I am stressing about over my article. I am HOPING it gets printed. I blog online, I could post the article on here rather than their website. Fingers crossed that it makes it in print. I like print, it's more professional, and seems more recognized.

Like you were printed? Yep that's me. As apposed to, oh I read that online. Yea... the vibes are different. At least I think so.

Progress: I am starting to walk much better. I can walk without my crutches for a little bit, it's really awkward how I walk. My arms wave around haha. I keep a crutch with me at all times. I hate the knee exercises but I must do them if I want to get better.

Until tomorrow's awkward rampage :D


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