I beat my highest level on zombies! Yes I am EXTREMELY nerdy but really this is a big accomplishment for me as I suck at COD. This may be such an awfully nerdy thing to say but I was on youtube looking at some strategies because I suck and I want to get better (my brother calls me a noob and so does everyone online.. it does get a tad annoying). While on youtube I cam across this video.
It is absolutely perfect, the essence of darkness that looms in the video. The power given to a human and the power for greed will result in an unfortunate ending. There is great moral in this video, it's also very witty and very imaginative. I soon began clicking on more videos on that youtube channel and I fell in love with almost everyone of them. They tackle the deep stuff in the human life - the provocative, the unimaginable and the simplist of things yet the meaning behind all the videos is so deep that many people can relate to them.
Some of my favorites include:
It shows the coming life and then the cycle of it. I found this video to be so funny. I laughed at the ending! I always find the oddest things funny.
Having never had any near death experiences I wonder if my life will flash before me. This video explains that very mystery. Maybe it's different for everyone. I liked the way the narrator spoke, the way the script was written; it was intellectually witty. I also thoroughly enjoyed the animation. I love this kind of art.
Having never had any near death experiences I wonder if my life will flash before me. This video explains that very mystery. Maybe it's different for everyone. I liked the way the narrator spoke, the way the script was written; it was intellectually witty. I also thoroughly enjoyed the animation. I love this kind of art.
Only someone who had felt like this, could understand and relate with this video. I can't, but I loved how they got the message across.
You can watch the rest of the videos here on Future Short's channel. I love this channel. I simply adore it.
Hopefully this post is more amusing than my previous ones. I'm trying to make it more interesting but finding interesting things, and might I add that I have found many interesting things that I'm sure you'd like. Those will come in future posts.
Stay tuned.
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